Sheet Cake Clip Art Why Save The Wedding Cake And Serve The Sheet Cake?

Why save the wedding cake and serve the sheet cake? - sheet cake clip art

I think I'm a little confused. I am planning my wedding and I learned that people tend their wedding cake for everyone, but it really does not serve this cake. They have cut a sheet cake in the back, into slices and serve. I understand that the cake is cheaper, but why keep all the cake?


music_ke... said...

People save up the wedding cake. You save at the highest level for the first anniversary dinner for two.

At some point, we can not afford a cake, and people use a type that is not real, and serve the sheet cake. Sometimes it is cut only part of the real cake for cake and photos.

The couple has a small wedding cake, which serves as the wedding party and parents, and cake for the rest of the guests. Profitability is an important thing when planning a wedding. This is to keep people complain about who gets what cake, because usually the supplier to cut the wedding cake has to serve the people.

Never heard a woman at all, but keep the wedding cake. Check the source, I could be a little misinformed.

Our wedding, wedding cake, we have four levels for more than two sheets of dough. All but the upper level will be served at the wedding. We have a little fun with our cake. What do we make the cheesecake, so we do not build your own cheesecakeand dessert table. Choose to cover for all, if you do not eat the wedding cake flavors we have chosen. Our cheesecakes and chocolate and almond flavor, and not everyone likes the taste of the cheese. This gives people the opportunity to have more variety, and it's fun and different than other marriages.
Good luck for your wedding

Reba said...

Normally, when the wedding cake has been cut off from food all have the cake and cut it back. Then serve the cake with foil if the cake was not big enough to serve everyone. Generally, we recommend the customer for the wedding cake, which are smaller and supplement with sheet cakes.

The top is usually stored and for the bride and groom for their 1st Anniversary frozen.

In the last 10 years or so there was a new trend, cake shaped styrofoam, with Royal Icing and decorations. In general, there is cut a small section of real cake cake ceremony. The cakes are on the screen, left, of course, there are not genuine. This type of cake allows the couple to have their cake of your dreams at a fraction of the cost of truth.

So, if you saw a cake at the reception screen, the report is that it was a fake!

Sylvia H said...

Ive seen it several times, but as someone mentioned, many times you save the highest level of small and thaw for their 1-year anniversary.
I saw the rest of the wedding cake at the wedding and the immediate family served, and the sheet cake served to all guests.

Then I see all rescued and brought home to have company when the couple after the honeymoon, the wedding cake to serve with a drink. My plan is to have all of the mine, can be used with the exception of the highest level. The only other cake is cake, the bridegroom.

Misplaced Midwesterner said...

I cut my wedding cake and there was also a piece of cake so we ate.

The part of the wedding cake, you do not cut, however, is the highest level. The usually worn by the bride and groom will, eat frozen on his birthday. I mean, of course, it depends on you, but respectable caterer or reception hall that cuts the cake for you, the cash, so that you may have.

But you're more than welcome to cut the wedding cake. In fact, I've never been to a wedding where they did not. The cake is just to ensure there is enough cake, you must obtain a mass wedding cake (which can be very expensive) and instead you have to do something cheap just to taste the same cake but doesn not be put on display.

Or if you do not want to make a sheet cake is a wedding cake that reflects the interests of their husbands (because we all know that marriages are most often women). Then you can choose from wedding cake or groom.

Misplaced Midwesterner said...

I cut my wedding cake and there was also a piece of cake so we ate.

The part of the wedding cake, you do not cut, however, is the highest level. The usually worn by the bride and groom will, eat frozen on his birthday. I mean, of course, it depends on you, but respectable caterer or reception hall that cuts the cake for you, the cash, so that you may have.

But you're more than welcome to cut the wedding cake. In fact, I've never been to a wedding where they did not. The cake is just to ensure there is enough cake, you must obtain a mass wedding cake (which can be very expensive) and instead you have to do something cheap just to taste the same cake but doesn not be put on display.

Or if you do not want to make a sheet cake is a wedding cake that reflects the interests of their husbands (because we all know that marriages are most often women). Then you can choose from wedding cake or groom.

Trying Something New said...

In some situations, the cake on the screen is not big enough to serve all guests. Therefore, additional sheets can to cake. The layers of a cake, if it's cheaper. Therefore, this helps save money.

Also, many times, up to four layers of cake, only two edible. The other layers are in fact false. The couple also saves money. You may at its highest level since the anniversary of the 1st and then have another level to reduce, then serve sheet cake.

demi said...

only the top layer is recorded. The rest of the cake is made of foam, so it is cheaper. The sheet cake is served. The top layer is generally protected so that you eat 1 can in her birthday.

Vanessa said...

my family has ever done, there are 2 or 3 different pies, cakes bride and groom cake ...
and everyone can decide who they want ...
I've never heard a cake as a replacement sheet

Snowman said...

Since the wedding cake is more expensive than sheet cake.

kim h said...

Save to take the upper level, his first birthday. The rest will be served at the reception.

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